Curated pedagogical resources:

This 57min webinar archive focuses on coherent and authentic assessments for workplace-oriented learning outcomes.

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Faculty Focus article written by a seasoned faculty member gives pause to reflect on your practice or that of your department.

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University of Waterloo suggests trying a few educational technology solutions to instructional challenges that might arise in your classes, and why.

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This webinar was about how to incorporate digital portfolios into assignments and how to approach rubrics and grading. It is the second webinar…

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This is a Faculty Focus article that suggests alternative assessment forms, such as student-constructed cheat sheets, collaborative testing, using…

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This is a YouTube playlist of 8 short videos in which award-winning professors tell stories about lessons learned from mistakes they made. Each…

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In Exchange

Teaching Mistakes

This is a series of two articles written by seasoned university faculty members.

The Ten Worst Teaching Mistakes I. Mistakes 5 – 10

The Ten Worst…

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In Exchange

Learning Experience Design

This is a 3min video describing what experiential learning is and how to design an effective learning experience.

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An open book published by AU Press, available as a free PDF download or in paperback or eBook, in which the authors explore assessment that engages…

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In Exchange

Whose Classroom is It Anyway?

This is a Faculty Focus article about relationships in the classroom, suggesting that it’s important to relinquish learning power to students.

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