Curated pedagogical resources:

This to-the-point and easy-to-read article explains both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).

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This article presents one approach to teaching about power, privilege and social justice in the classroom.

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In Exchange

Facilitating Learning Online

BCcampus offers a 4-part series – Design, Fundamentals, MicroCourses, Synchronous

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In Exchange

Understanding by Design

The importance of course design cannot be understated! It is how teachers can increase student engagement and achievement, and devise meaningful…

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This Profweb article describes two apps that students who struggle with distraction caused by their phone, may find helpful.

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This VTE article describes an inter-cégep project in which
four teachers worked collaboratively with the intent to integrate Online Curation (OC) and…

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This paper argues that  a goal of higher education is student responsibility for their learning. Discussed as evaluative judgement, the authors…

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This hour long webinar archive focuses on the use of these approaches to encourage effective learning through feedback and peer evaluation.

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