Student Association | Heritage

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The CÉGEP Heritage College Student Association promotes and defends students’ rights and interests, making the College a better place for students. The Student Association is also responsible for managing on-campus clubs. The executive has seven roles that are voted in by the student body. 

Student Association Executive

2024 – 2025 Executive

  • President - Justin Bélanger
  • Vice-President - 
  • Treasurer - Zoë Do
  • Secretary - Branda Vijeyabala
  • Promotion Officer - 
  • Activity Coordinator - Benoît Tourangeau
  • Deputy Activity Coordinator - 

The Student Association office is located in room A-120. 

Positions up for election are:

  • Vice-President
  • Secretary 
  • Deputy Activities Coordinator  
  • Promotion Officer 

Roles and responsibilities of the Executive


The President is:

a) The Chairperson of the Executive.

b) The official spokesperson for the Executive and Association on collegial matters.

c) Responsible for the overall operations of the Executive.

d) Responsible for calling all meetings of the Executives.

e) Responsible for co-signing any financial transactions with the Treasurer.

f) An ex-officio member of the Board of Governors of Cégep Heritage College.

g) Responsible for presenting a summary of the Association’s activities at each meeting of the College’s Board of Governors.


The Vice-President is:

a) Responsible for all duties of the President in the President’s absence. 

b) Responsible for the management and organization of the clubs. 

c) The grievance representative for individuals, clubs, groups and committees within the scope of the Association. 

d) Responsible for all matters pertaining to academics within the scope of the Association. 

e) An ex-officio member of the Academic Senate of Heritage College. 


The Treasurer is:

a) Responsible for keeping records of all financial transactions.

b) Responsible for preparing a draft budget for the Executive’s consideration no less than one week prior to the commencement of the Fall semester.

c) Responsible for preparing the final budget approved by all members of the Executive one week after election.

d) Responsible for publishing the final budget and a financial statement at the middle and end of each semester.

e) Responsible for co-signing any financial transactions with the President.

f) Responsible for following and upholding the Association’s Financial Management Policy in accordance with the Association’s Bylaw 1.7

g) Responsible for producing a summary of financial activities for the report to the College’s Board of Governors at the end of the academic year.

h) Responsible for initiating annual audit.


The Secretary is:

a) Responsible for maintaining accurate order of all files, records, documents and official correspondence which pertains to the proceedings of either the Executive.

b) Responsible for posting notices of Executive meetings, and General Assemblies.

c) Responsible for preparing an agenda for all Executive meetings, and General Assemblies in collaboration with other Executives.

d) Responsible for taking minutes of all Executive meetings, and General Assemblies and for posting these minutes to the membership within six (6) lecture days.

e) Responsible for typing and recording any official correspondence.

f) Responsible for collecting information requested by an Executive Officer.

g) Responsible for attending all meetings that pertain to the Association as a whole.

Promotion Officer

The Promotions Officer is: 

a) Responsible for promoting and maintaining the interests of the Association at all levels in extra-collegial matters. 

b) Responsible for maintaining contact with Student Associations of other Cégeps, high schools and universities. 

c) Responsible for attending extra-collegial meetings and to act as the official spokesperson for the Association on extra-collegial matters. 

d) Responsible for promoting different activities to the student body. 

e) Responsible for promoting events on social media. 

Activities Coordinator

The Activities Coordinator is:

a) Responsible for the promotion and development of social and sport interests within the Association.

b) Responsible for the organization of the Association’s student activities in collaboration with the Executive Officers.

c) Responsible for conducting a survey to determine the satisfaction with activities held.

d) Responsible for creating the social media page.

e) Responsible for promoting student pubs and events.

Deputy Activities Coordinator

The Deputy Activities Coordinator is: 

a) Responsible for assisting the Activities Coordinator in carrying out the Activities Coordinator’s duties listed in article 4.04.6. 

b) Responsible for performing the Activities Coordinator’s duties in the event of their absence. 

c) Responsible for assisting with the activity’s satisfaction survey. 

Election Timeline

Nomination period - Ends August 29th 2024 
Campaign period - September 2nd - 13th 2024 
Elections - September 16th - 18th 2024

Nomination Procedure

  • Nomination Forms are available online and through the Association Office or Student Services.
  • Nominations must be received by Student Services no later than ten (10) lecture days prior to Election Day.
  • A prospective candidate must have the signatures of no less than twenty (20) members.
  • A candidate may only run for the position indicated on the Nomination Form and must respect the timeline stated above.
  • If you are interested in running, you must complete the nomination form
  • Note: you will need to use your college Microsoft 365 account to access the form.   

Elections Officer

If you would like more information or would like to discuss running for office, please contact our Elections Officer, Jeremy Howard.

Questions? Contact us

Student Life Advisor

Jeremy Howard


(819) 778-2270 ext. 1820