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The Government of Quebec is offering Perspective Quebec Scholarships beginning in Fall 2022, $1500 per session ($9,000). For more information visit Awards & Scholarship.

An era of technological change

Innovation, curiosity, and interest in the complexity of technical solutions is the foundation of success for anyone looking into our Electronics Engineering Technology program. 


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Faculty from leading sectors

Our faculty includes Engineers with post-graduate degrees that have a combined experience of over 50 years. They come from different industries, such as government, military, and the private sector.

Graduates with rewarding careers

Our graduates carry the title of ‘Engineering Technologist’. Upon graduation, you can work in a variety of careers in both government and private industry. Our program is well-recognized by professional bodies such as OACETT and OTPQ.

Networking benefits

We offer our students the possibility of summer co-op placements, where you can gain valuable experience in the field and make valuable contacts. Your experience in a real-life working environment may lead to an offer of employment. 

Program Grid
