Accident Report Form | Heritage

Health and safety in the workplace

CÉGEP Heritage College cares about the health and safety of our students and employees. To ensure that all accidents are reported and that a follow-up can be done, in case of an accident, we encourage you to fill out an accident Report Form and to return it to Human Resources as soon as possible.

Accident/Incident Report (PDF)

Rapport D'Accident/Incident (PDF)

Human Resources will inform all concerned departments/services of the accident and will follow-up with the injured party.

For employees

Concerning employees, after informing your immediate supervisor of the incident/accident, you must consult a doctor if you missed time from work resulting from the incident/accident. Your doctor will give you a work accident report form from the CNESST and you will be asked to complete the Réclamation du travailleur and a CNESST dossier will be opened for you. The employee must submit a copy of the CNESST report form to Human Resources as soon as possible.

For any inquiries about Health & Safety or any concerns, please contact:

Human Resources


819-778-2270 ext. 1090