Curated pedagogical resources:

This is a personal story shared by a Wilfrid Laurier University associate director in an effort to underline the importance of well-being.

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This article offers tips on focusing in our distraction-filled worlds, a wellness strategy for teachers to use.

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This is a digest of suggestions from staff and faculty members at universities across Canada in response to “How do you take care of yourself?”

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This is an account of how a cegep teacher used a class blog to help extend her students’ learning beyond the classroom walls, resulting in…

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This is a Harvard Business Review article, discussing the current research supporting the belief that ‘learners are made, not born‘.

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‘Is this for grades?’ is commonly heard in our classes, which seems to prioritize grades over learning. This article is about how one teacher helped…

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This is the recording of the presentation that Rafael Scapin, Dawson College, gave to show and explain the differences in functionality between the…

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This Profweb article presents six serious games designed to help students develop social literacy skills.

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A short Faculty Focus article that underlines the importance of giving students the opportunity to use experience from their diverse background when…

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