Curated pedagogical resources:

This article provides five sensible tips as you venture into the world of online learning.

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This is an overview of rubrics, why they are useful, and how to create them.

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This is a longish guide (34 pages) could be helpful as you consider alternative forms of assessment. Its Table of Contents makes it easily searchable…

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In Exchange

The Online Learning Consortium

The Online Learning Consortium™ (OLC) is a collaborative community of higher education leaders and innovators, dedicated to advancing quality digital…

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This is a Faculty Focus article that provides tips on how to make your digital content more accessible.

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This is a University Affairs article full of sage advice:  “No one expects you to become an online teaching guru overnight. The best any of us can do…

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Tony Bates, someone who has worked in online learning for many years, offers very sensible advice.

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This Profweb article shares a best practice of a Cegep Garneau teacher who uses Office 365 Teams and OneNote.

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In Exchange

Online Learning in a Hurry

Dave Cormier, U Windsor and seasoned educator, offers a series of How to Teach Online videos, each 5 – 10 minutes in length. Although specific to the…

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SALTISE now has a webpage devoted to teaching and learning online, posting many resources specific to our Higher Education context.

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