Curated pedagogical resources:

A Language Teacher’s Story: Although the subject is ESL (French cegep), many of the strategies this teacher used would work well for any discipline.

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This interview is about how one cegep Biology teacher adjusted to alternative teaching with a particular emphasis on on-line assessment. Although he…

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Performance-based learning and assessment focuses on what students can do. This article describes this kind of learning approach and provides key…

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When teaching online, having a communication strategy to keep in touch with your students and to ground them in your course is essential. This article

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Some students are reluctant to join in on discussions. This is one teacher’s recommendation to use affective based questions in addition to the…

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In this article a Physics teacher shares an introductory activity that left lasting impressions on her students.

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This podcast captures how two Physics teachers, one from Vanier, the other from John Abbott, used SALTISE’s CourseFlow app to plan their alternative…

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In Exchange

Digital Slideshows in Class

This Profweb article is comprehensive, covering current popular presentation software, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Genially, and others. It also…

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This article defines Culturally Responsive Education, distinguishes it from Multicultural Education and Social Justice Education, and then shares…

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