Curated pedagogical resources:

This article offers advice about creating videos to replace lectures you would normally give in the classroom setting. The author suggests alternative…

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This article is full of ideas and resources for more traditional type of evaluation activities. Included are tips on re-thinking the course…

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This article has many ideas and resources for less traditional assessments, ranging from take-home exams to discussion boards to case studies, and…

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This article shares four common new teacher mistakes, and the insights and lessons learned by a college teacher who now has five years experience.

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The CCSI Ouest, in collaboration with the CRISPESH and the adaptive services department of Cégep du Vieux Montréal, have created this table to help…

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This is an interesting University Affairs article about the necessity of moving conferences into the virtual realm, and how it has been considered by…

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This University Affairs article shares one professor’s reflections on our COVID-19 online learning context, something that will probably sound…

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The author, who teaches academic and professional writing, poses eight questions to help you refine your assignments to achieve the outcomes you…

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The author shares how he incorporates experiential learning in his classes building community contacts as he does.

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