Urban language classes help learners connect with community, says program co-ordinator
Study tip of the day
Board members Letitia Taylor (centre-left), Linton Garner (second row-right), Fatemeh Anvari (centre-right) and Brian Rock (far-right) with film…
Mercedes Côté est la lauréate, pour le Collège Heritage, de la bourse sport-études de 500 $ de la Fondation Desjardins.
Graphic and Web Design presents GRADUATE SHOWCASE 2023 | A reminder that the library's poetry contest to celebrate National Poetry Month will conclude…
Le Rendez-vous du PESO
Good luck to our two students JOEY VETRANO & CRISTIANO SPADAFORA who play for the OLYMPIQUES DE GATINEAU as they move on to the semifinals!
Congratulations JACQUELINE FULTON!
Third year ElT student Jacqueline participated in ExpoScience in Gatineau and won 2nd place.
Good luck to our Men's Basketball team!
Emergency poster