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Continuing Education

Zoom link for Continuing Education Virtual Open House

External Offerings

Diversity Event May 5th

Racism and Xenophobia in Canada: Then and Now

(Part of JAC’s Perspectives Speaker Series)

Audience: For Cegep Students

Date: Wednesday, May 5th

Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Duration: 1.5 hrs

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96077704199?pwd=ZndNVHYwV09kUEJkQ0EzQWxreUZWdz09 

Meeting ID: 960 7770 4199

Passcode: 552706

Registration: Click HERE


Presentation from 2 facilitators from the South Asian Women’s Community Centre, followed by a moderated Q/A session:

"Ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in anti-Asian racism and xenophobia. This event seeks to shed light upon the prevalence of xenophobia and racism in Canada’s past and present.

We will be focusing on what xenophobia means, what it looks like, and how it intertwines with racism.  We will be discussing the rise in anti-Asian racism, and the ways in which Asian Canadian communities are affected by xenophobia and racism. We will be highlighting mental health and other support resources for Asian folks, as well as discussing what allyship means and how best to support our Asian friends and communities during these times."

Brought to you by the student Asian Club (AAPI) and the Student Diversity & Inclusion Office