
How can we use competency based assessments to evaluate the progress of students in relation to the apprenticeship, applied studies or practical work? What are competency based assessments and how do they differ from other forms of assessment?
Using video-based assessments and competency rubrics to develop the students e-portfolio of skills.

Four Key Takeaways from this webinar:

1. Developing the discipline of a competency statement
2. Using video based assessment rigorously
3. Self, Peer and Teacher Evaluation
4. Helping to focus learners on what matters in their skills development


Date: May 22
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Cost: Free
Website: https://contactnorth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pVQhUwcqR2qlnQj4NZhKPA

Organizer: Contact North | Contact Nord
Website: https://contactnorth.ca/